Our Farm

Four T Acres is a third and fourth generation family farm located in Southeastern Wisconsin on approximately 100 acres of land. For many years the farm stood dormant. During that time, other than a few horses, it served as a home for a construction equipment business, but in 2003 we introduced 3 registered purebred Scottish Highland Cows and 6 calves to the land. It didn't take us long to fall in love with this beautiful, intelligent, breed of animals. We have now increased our numbers to a herd size of approximately 80 full blood Scottish Highlands.

We never use any hormones or unnecessary chemicals, and only supplement the animals diet with trace minerals, and some salt. Their food, consisting of hay, oats and corn grown on the farm throughout the year, is what the animals receive during the winter, and all manure produced is then returned to the land as compost, so the process results in natural raised beef with happy healthy animals on a self sustaining farm.